Professional Engagement

In this section, I will demonstrate how I have engaged professionally with my vocation through:

1. Reflection
2. Collaboration with professionals

1. Reflection

Reflection has always been an essential part of my teaching. I have always made a point to reflect on my lessons and to think about my strengths and weaknesses as a teacher. This includes:

  • Personal reflections after every class
  • Feedback from supervising teachers
  • Feedback from students

For proof of reflection, in the prezi below, I have highlighted a few different areas of development that I have processed through over my teaching duration. Enjoy!

2. Collaboration with professionals

I value group work and have developed many teamwork skills through contributing in different group contexts. I have taken every opportunity to work with other professionals to exchange teaching ideas, strategies and activities. This includes:

  • Team teaching activities
  • Coordinating youth conferences and camps
  • EPIC mentoring (year 7 and 8 girls) at local high schools
  • EPIC Youth leading (year 12 girls)

Team teaching (Travel expo/ family holiday)
As part of one of our teaching activities, I collaborated with another humanities teacher to conduct a travel expo between our 2 classes. The task required the different groups of students to collect information and then create a brochure about the particular Australian State or Territory they were in charge of. The context was that the class was a travel agency holding a travel expo for tourists who wish to visit Australia. The other class would come in as interested tourists who had to plan a family holiday and collect information from the expo. The classes then swapped roles.

Below are some of the instruction sheets used for the activity (click on picture for an enlarged version):


Thoughts: I found this to be an excellent experience because being able to work with another staff enabled me to not learn from them but to contribute and share my resources as well. I thoroughly enjoyed this activity and found that the students did too.

EPIC Youth leading (year 12 girls)
At the start of term 3, I joined a youth leadership team at Epic Youth. As part of the team, I work with other leaders to plan and coordinate events such as discussions, games and other activities. I am in also charge of a year 12 girl's group and am responsible for facilitating meetings including discussion and conducting follow-ups on the girls via telephone or e-mail. 
Below are some pictures of the youth and the activities we have had.

Combined lifegroups

Sporting events at youth

Thoughts: I believe that being involved in youth work outside of school is valuable because I get to work with diverse professionals and also because I get a broader perspective of issues youth deal with. Having done it since I was in school myself enables me to understand young people better because I see a side of them that we may not see in school. Besides that, being able to connect at that level and talk about all sorts of topics from relationships, to values and beliefs gives me so much insight into their lives.